Kevin Hart, Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, Neil Patrick Harris, Jay Leno and countless others are strung together with a common string. They have mastered the art of hosting. You’re guaranteed to have tonnes of entertainment if you’re going to a ceremony or a party hosted by any of these uber cool hosts.
Now, if you’re entrusted with setting up of some upcoming corporate event say a fundraiser or even the annual general meeting, you would need someone to host it. Finding a good Master of Ceremony (MC) from the open market is a hard task. Hiring an unknown MC is a risky task. He may not know the atmosphere and culture of your company and can differ in the ideology. Moreover, his style of hosting or lack of communication between the organisers may lead him to say things that might make the people present uncomfortable, to say the least. On the other hand, if you plan to hire a well-known celebrity emcee, their fees might turn out to be equal to the budget of the entire event.

So why not instead, look inside your own department and find someone with all the qualities of a great emcee. Your office funny guy who unleashes amazing one-liners and zingers spontaneously at the water cooler might just be the guy you’re looking for. Remember that guy/girl who you thought should’ve actually become a stand-up comedian? Yeah, call him and sit him down to read this. He’d be happy to take up this honour. If you don’t have a ‘really funny’ person in your office department, look for the qualities mentioned in this article in your colleagues. These emotionally intelligent beings aren’t hard to find.
But WHAT does it take to be a good emcee, whichever way you spell it. This article attempts to answer that and bring you some enlightenment on this issue.
Normally, the work of an emcee includes the introduction of speakers for the night, making various announcements, and interacting with the audience to ensure a smooth flowing ceremony with as little hiccups as possible. It sounds difficult or daunting but in reality, some confidence and charisma are all that’s really needed to nail the event.
QUALITIES OF A GOOD EMCEE: A short guide to shortlist the perfect (or near- perfect) emcee candidate from your department.
There is a ubiquitous belief that to be an adroit emcee you only need to have the attribute of being a very sunny person. Although this is a very important factor when evaluating any emcee, there is much more to an emcee than just being all bubbly and cheerful. A good MC is flexible with his words, responsible for his actions and mature in his conduct. These qualities are very important in setting the tone of the event. Another thing that he should excel at is time. The timing of a joke should be apt for maximum effect and speeches as well as the emcee’s script, should fit in the desired time frame. A good emcee must also be sensitive to time. If a speaker stretches his speech by ten minutes, the emcee should be able to balance the time calculations up by cutting short his own script. In fact, these are only the basic qualities of an emcee.
The right type of emcee grants the much-needed order to social functions. Every detail and part of the event are skilfully announced by the MC right before the programme starts. He’s basically the one on whose commands the programme takes place. When your emcee takes charge, you should be at peace and ease and continue to enjoy the whole programme like everybody else. Hence, a commanding presence on the stage is absolutely necessary.
An emcee without a sense of humour is as entertaining as rubbing your face with a cactus. It’s common sense not to make someone humourless and timid an emcee, but we’re just putting here anyway. Also, turning the event into a comic circus is also of no use. A clown of an emcee might turn the whole event into a circus and the very decorum of the event would get lost. Hence, someone who is lively and also concocts the perfect kind of entertainment is ideal.
Different occasions demand different types of emcees. Make sure that your to-be-emcee understands what he is hosting. Your emcee candidate has to do his homework on the event, the location, the organizers, the keynote speakers, history of past events, and the overall atmosphere in the corporation at that time. Hence, well-preparedness is an absolute pre-requisite.
An emcee is only as good as the script he performs. Although the manner in which he performs the script matters a lot, the material he has for the night decide how much effort the emcee has to put in the performance. A good script has proper introductions and enough details with a few self-deprecating jokes and witty one-liners. Why is the script so important? Because that’s the pivot on which the entire event functions. Very few professionals can pull off MC-ing off the top of their heads, let alone amateurs. Hence, a script, being the lifeline of any event is absolutely essential.
Hoping that you find your candidate, here are a few tips for the emcee-to-be that’d ensure a memorable and successful event.
1) Prepare an introduction of yourself. The Voice of God (Deep offstage voice introduces the host in a quirky manner) trick is tried and tested method. Proceed to introduce any specific groups in the audience and welcome them individually.
2) Remain calm under pressure. With many eyes observing one person’s every little move with hawk-like precision, it becomes very stressful to even start speaking. Tonnes of rehearsal would help with this.
3) While speaking if you mess up a couple of words, don’t worry. Continuing is the key.
4) Slow down your pace of speaking while on stage. A nervous person tends to babble when he/she is nervous. This would be ghastly for the event.
5) Practise. Practise. Practise. Since being an emcee is a performing art, adequate rehearsals are absolutely necessary. Try practising it with members of other events at least once before the actual event. This way you can get your timing absolutely bang on for every punch line.
Use our pointers to search for you desired candidate from amongst your tribe of office members. We hope this article proves to be conclusive and you find ‘the one’.
If this has proved to be helpful, do let us know and share it with someone who might need it.
Happy emcee-ing!